Live@edu:Brand your college with email

Wanna email id for your college?
Are you an aspiring student want to make a difference in your college?

Then your chance to brand yourself and your college is here:

Microsoft provides a unique oppourtunity for students to stay in a better and a connected campus.Live@Edu provides a chance for students to get an email id of the form

Does it end with this feature alone? No,it offers some of the amazing facilities like

* 10 GB Exchange Labs, or 5 GB Hotmail, inbox
* Collaborative workspace
* University domain name
* Customized UI
* No third-party banner ads in webmail UI for current students
* Students keep their e-mail after they graduate
* Free for K-12 and higher education

Then you may ask do we have to pay for it?????.No all these exciting features comes absolutely at free of cost.

Haven't activated Live@Edu yet?

Why do you wait?

Start now!Make your campus Live@Edu!!!!!!!!

Register here: